DribbleBot (Dexterous Ball Manipulation
with a Legged Robot) is a legged robotic system
that can dribble a soccer ball under the same real-world conditions as humans
(i.e., in-the-wild). We adopt the paradigm of training policies in
simulation using reinforcement learning and transferring them into the real
world. We overcome critical challenges of accounting for variable ball motion
dynamics on different terrains and perceiving the ball using body-mounted
cameras under the constraints of onboard computing. Our results provide evidence
that current quadruped platforms are well-suited for studying dynamic whole-body
control problems involving simultaneous locomotion and manipulation directly from
sensory observations.
title={DribbleBot: Dynamic Legged Manipulation in the Wild},
author={Ji, Yandong and Margolis, Gabriel B and Agrawal, Pulkit},
journal={International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
title={Walk These Ways: Tuning Robot Control for Generalization with Multiplicity of Behavior},
author={Margolis, Gabriel B and Agrawal, Pulkit},
journal={Conference on Robot Learning},
Title={Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Precise Soccer Shooting Skills using a Quadrupedal Robot},
Author={Yandong Ji and Zhongyu Li and Yinan Sun and Xue Bin Peng and Sergey Levine and Glen Berseth and Koushil Sreenath},
Journal={International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
title={Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning},
author={Margolis, Gabriel B and Yang, Ge and Paigwar, Kartik and Chen, Tao and Agrawal, Pulkit},
journal={Robotics: Science and Systems},