Gabriel Margolis

I am a PhD student at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT, where I work on Embodied Intelligence. Advised by Pulkit Agrawal, I study learned control as a component of complete robotic systems. Previously, I received my BS ('20) and MEng ('21) degrees at MIT.

My goal is to advance reliable and helpful mobile robots for assistance, delivery, emergency response, and sport. To this end, I think that sim-to-real reinforcement learning is a promising tool for synthesizing unscriptable motor skills.

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Apr '23   Our sim-to-real soccer ball manipulation project, DribbleBot, received some cool coverage from MIT News and other news outlets. Check out our project video and find us at ICRA next month!
Dec '22   Our open-source codebase for sim2real transfer of continuously parameterized structured gaits to Unitree Go1 is now released, accompanying our CoRL 2022 paper. Try it out here.
Dec '22   I co-organized the Workshop on Sim-to-Real Robot Learning: Locomotion and Beyond at the 2022 Conference on Robot Learning. Thanks to all who participated! The full recording is now available here.
Jun '22   I presented our work on teaching robots to run fast at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference in New York City. At the conference banquet, our robot hit the dance floor.



Learning to See Physical Properties with Active Sensing Motor Policies

Gabriel B. Margolis, Xiang Fu, Yandong Ji, Pulkit Agrawal
Conference on Robot Learning, 2023

paper / project page

Learn to see how terrains feel by collecting self-supervised data with information-maximizing motor skills.


DribbleBot: Dynamic Legged Manipulation in the Wild

Yandong Ji*, Gabriel B. Margolis* , Pulkit Agrawal
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023

paper / project page

Dynamic object manipulation with the legs, using onboard computation and sensing.


Walk These Ways: Tuning Robot Control for Generalization with Multiplicity of Behavior

Gabriel B. Margolis, Pulkit Agrawal
Conference on Robot Learning, 2022 (Oral Presentation)

paper / project page / code

One learned policy embodies parameterized dynamic behaviors useful for different tasks.


Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning

Gabriel B. Margolis*, Ge Yang* Kartik Paigwar, Tao Chen, Pulkit Agrawal
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2022

paper / project page / code

High-speed running and spinning on diverse terrains with a single neural network.


Learning to Jump from Pixels

Gabriel B. Margolis, Tao Chen, Kartik Paigwar, Xiang Fu,
Donghyun Kim, Sangbae Kim, Pulkit Agrawal
Conference on Robot Learning, 2021

paper / project page

A hierarchical control framework for dynamic vision-aware locomotion.


Learning Robust Terrain-Aware Locomotion

Gabriel B. Margolis
Master's Thesis, 2021


My Master's thesis. This work received the Ernst A. Guillemin Master’s Thesis Award in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making.


project image

6.141 Robotics: Science and Systems

A hands-on intro to ROS and the full autonomous driving stack. (Spring 2021)

project image

16.410 Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

Algorithms for planning under constraints and uncertainty. (Fall 2020)

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website and Leonid Keselman's Jekyll Fork